Program & accepted papers

The LVCS 2104 workshop will take place on Wednesday, September 17th, 2014. The conference room assigned to the workshop is number 4, it is equipped with beamer and WLAN. Registration will be open since 8:00, the workshop will begin at 9:00 and end at 14:30. Each paper will have 20 minutes for presentation followed by 10 minutes for questions. At the end of the workshop we will have time for watching the videos provided by the workshop participants and a closing discussion regarding the topics covered by the workshop. The general EC-TEL program is available at the EC-TEL conference website. The detailed program of the workshop follows (download PDF version):

8:00-9:00 Registration
9:00-9:10 Workshop opening
9:10-10:10 Session: Adaptive systems for video based learning, Chair: Gill Clough

10:10-10:30 Coffe break
10:30-12:30 Session: Technology and experiences in video based learning, Chair: Ulrich Hoppe

12:30-13:30 Lunch break
13:30-14:30 Video session & discussion