Submission procedure

As the main topic of this workshop is video based learning, we would like to invite researchers to submit a contribution and complement it with an innovative and interactive format. Firstly, an abstract (300-500 words) of the work has to be submitted. Next, authors must submit a paper of 6 pages.The goal of this contribution is to offer a general overview of the contribution and how it is connected with the previous related work. They must describe original research work and may not have been published or submitted elsewhere. Submissions will be reviewed for relevance, originality, significance, validity and clarity. Authors must follow the LNCS template:

We also encourage authors to combine this contribution with a short video whose length is between 3-8 minutes. Examples of videos could be educational material created by teachers, an overview of an educational experience based on videos, videos created by students to understand difficult concepts, artifacts to be used in the presentation of the research work in the workshop, among others. All the videos will be uploaded to Youtube with the final version of accepted contribution. Authors of videos are the responsible of them. The material included in them must be original or have an appropriated license that allows us to share with all the EC-TEL and i-Know attendances. Examples of websites that provide images under copyleft licenses are the following ones:

Other website that provides audios with copyleft license is Cloudsound:

Submissions will be handled through EasyChair ( All papers will be reviewed through a double blind review process. The accepted contributions will be published in CEUR Workshop Proceedings, a free open-access publication service ( We also are just negotiating the publication of the extended versions of workshop contributions.